Jill's Tulips

Jill's Tulips

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rafiki School begins its new year

Much preparation went into the opening of school.  There are 96 students from the orphanage and 96 more from the nearby communities.  Every morning begins with this same ceremony of the Kenyan national anthem and prayer.  On M-W-F, we sing it in English, and on T-Th, we sing it in Ki-Swahili.
I am teaching science to 3rd graders 3 times a week and an Oral Language/Fluency/Expression class to the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades once a week.  Today I started a Book Club with the Mammas at the orphanage.  There is one caregiver (Mamma) for 10 boys or 10 girls in her cottage.  We started the book, Journey to Jo'Burg, today.  Its a brief novel about apartheid in South Africa.
First Day of School

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