Jill's Tulips

Jill's Tulips

Friday, January 24, 2014

Howard's World of Orchard Irrigation in Kenya

In future years, Rafiki Village could supplement its food supply with fruit from the orchard.  Stephen, a USAID employee, has come to Rafiki with knowledge, skills, and the donation of a drip irrigation system for the 50 baby trees.  The trees were planted in honor of Kenya's 50th birthday as a nation!
Howard is managing this project and purchasing the PVC pipe to complete it.
Howard and Stephen looking over the trench and trees.

A trench today where yesterday there was just a string along the ground.

Strong gardeners have 1 1/2 of the 3 trenches dug.

Stephen's donation of the drip irrigation pieces

Stephen and Yeen-Lan, our village administrator

When he was l7, Stephen came to Kenya as a foreign exchange student.  This is his Kenyan mama, and below is his Kenyan grandfather, a retired school teacher--99  years old!

Grandpa says the secret to a long life is, "No beer!"

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