Jill's Tulips

Jill's Tulips

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Our Home at Rafiki Village

This is Wageni House, our home away from home in Kenya.  It has 5 side-by-side 1 or 2 bedroom 1 bathroom units.  We could actually have 14 people staying here, but there are only 3 of us right now.
Our living room and kitchen

It is summer in Nairobi.  The high temperatures are in the 80's F and the low temperatures are in the 60's F.  Nairobi is at 5500 ft elevation, so the temperatures are milder.  Because we are so near the equator, the hours of sunlight are always about 12 hours.  It seems strange to wake up at 5:30 or 6 AM and look outside--it is pitch dark!


  1. So glad to be able to read about your trip. Looks like a great place that you are staying. Will be praying for you to experience all God has planned for your on this journey.

  2. I am enjoying your journal. It looks like an inviting guest house. Was the shopping mall you visited the same one that had the terrorism a few months ago? Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
