Jill's Tulips

Jill's Tulips

Monday, December 29, 2014

Year End Hike--2014

I enjoyed a beautiful California winter day at Sunol Regional Park.  Many walkers today!  The falls and creek supplied nice sound effects.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Rubicon Trail, June 2014

Three jeeps met up at Loon Lake campground to conquer the Rubicon Trail.
Drivers Chris, Howard, and Robert were confident their rigs could do it!
Wives Patty, Susan, and Ashleigh cheered on the guys. 
Only Howard had ever done the trail previously--perhaps after the True Big Old Sluice, his leadership was in question.  Robert proved to be the Master Mechanic, and Chris lived up to his new nickname--Bam Bam!

 This photo was actually taken at the completion of the 2-day trail.

 Getting ready to depart from Loon Lake campground.

Yes, that is Robert on 3 wheels on Cadillac Hill!
 The scenery throughout the entire 16 miles was gorgeous.

 Our camp site at Buck Lake

Some of the body damage resulting from too much contact with rocks and boulders on the trail.
Much of the carnage occurred on True Big Old Sluice.